Client API


new Client([services])

Passing an optional object as an argument will mount those services on the client. You can also do this after the fact, see Client#add.


var client = new Client()

// or

var transport = new ht.Transports.TCP({ port: 1337 })
var client = new Client({
  someService: transport

Instance Methods

Client#add(name, transport)

Client#add is used to add another service to this client. It takes the name of the service, and an instance of a transport.


var transport = new ht.Transports.TCP({ host: "", port: 1337 })
client.add("otherService", transport)


Client#connect initiates a connection to the remote service, if any of the transports you’re using require it.

callback will be called when services are connected, with an optional error.


Client#disconnect disconnects all transports.

callback will be called when services are disconnected, with an optional error.

Client#call(service, method[, data][, callback])

Client#call will call method on the remote service service, passing optional data, and then calling callback with an optional error, and the response from call.

Example"users", "list", function(err, users) {
  // do stuff

Client#before(fn, options)

Client#before adds a function that will get executed before the data is sent to the remote service.

The optional options object can have the following properties.

methodstring“service1”Restrict this middleware to only the call for service.
servicestring“reverseString”Restrict this middleware to only the call for method.

Client#after(fn, options)

Client#after adds a function that will get executed before the data is returned to the client, but after the remote service has given a response.

The optional options object can have the following properties.

methodstring“service2”Restrict this middleware to only the call for service.
servicestring“reverseString”Restrict this middleware to only the call for method.

Client#prepare(service, method, data)

Client#prepare is similar to, but will return a function that you can call later, instead of immediately.


var findUsers = client.prepare("users", "list")

findUsers(function(err, response) {
  // etc

Client#chain(service, method, data)

TODO: document this, explain how data is transfered to next call in chain, and how sequential calls work


see above


chainedCall.end(function(err, response) {
  // do stuff

Client#addSchema(service, method, schema)

This allows you to add a schema that validates your data after it’s returned.

client.addSchema("service", "method", s.Object({
  hello: s.String()
}))"service", "method", function(err, response) {
  // you can be sure that 'response.hello' is a string
  // if it's not - an err will be set to a validation error.